It only takes minutes

Good news!

Maintaining good health doesn't require a lot of time or effort. A 2020 study by Australian researchers found that doing vigorous intermittent lifestyle physical activity (VILPA) for just one minute, three to eleven times a day, can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular death by 65% and death from cancer by 49%. The study also found that doing microbursts of physical activity throughout the day positively affected mood, appetite, and energy levels, while moving for three minutes every half-hour helped control blood sugar. You can easily incorporate VILPA into your daily routine by doing amped-up housework or any cardio of your choice.

Here are some tips to get started:

  1. Get a physical to ensure it's safe for you to start.

  2. Vary your activity to keep it exciting.

  3. Thank yourself for doing good for your body and experience a sense of accomplishment.

  4. Watch your form to prevent injuries.

  5. Recover healthily by drinking water and allowing your system to catch up.

  6. Start slow and build up the intensity to avoid injury.

So, don't hesitate to set mini-goals and get moving to maintain good health!

Reference: Mulcahy , L. (2023) Think you have no time to get in shape? it only takes a minute., MSN. MarketWatch. Available at: (Accessed: April 27, 2023).


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